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The drama from the last thread really made me think. (no, not in the /tv/ meme way)
Every one here put all their eggs in a basket and hoped for the "dedicated thread guy" to make his nicely formatted thread, with the custom, numbered image as it was being done for all the many ones before it.
But BAC didn't come do it, since he's as human as everyone else here is and had his own needs and duties to fulfill.
When it started sinking into risky depths some anon decided to continue them on his own to keep the thread alive and "share/spread the love" as it's always written, with an OP that was not as good as BAC's but still more than enough for fulfilling it's purpose with a good image, a good post, and some good will for doing what he did.
Instead of continuing as usual, people started REEEEEEEEEEEing hard about "b-but it's not THAT GUY who made it!" and I'll dump a thread worth of images to kill this thread since I don't like it" until BAC had to split his head open over insomnia to make the next thread on his own.
That hateful hostility was really damn disgusting.
What happens if he's gone for extended periods?
Imagine he gets snackbared, or hit by a car, trips over stairs, gets an anerysm over his stressful college life or something else?
What then? Is this thread gonna crash down because people fighting over the fact that their favourite e-celeb tripfaggot isn't there anymore to do the job anyone else could do with similar results?
Everyone here has their own lives, their own hobbies, needs, duties, etc., but we're all joined here to discuss and post images of our favourite girl, and that's what connects us over the globe.
There is nobody here who actually "owns" these threads on their own, we all do, and it's our job to keep it alive.
Well, I'm sorry for insulting you BAC, you didn't do nothing wrong really (I'm not fond of that cult of personality stuff though), I'm just really fucking pissed off over this situation.