I love Leah.
Going to try not to be overwhelmed by questions this time.
>>3396369>Where would you like to take your waifu out to this weekend?Her hometown would be ideal.
>>3396371>Under $20 or else. What do you give her?Some candy actually.
>>3396372>Does your waifu enjoy traveling?If it's for her concerts, yes.
>>3396524>Is your waifu a very focused person, or does she tend to daydream and get lost in her own mind a lot?Very focused, at least on singing.
>>3396549>What mutual goal would you like to see accomplished?Her winning the Love Live.
>What did her parents teach her that she seems to appreciate now?Her sister showed her how to do things on her own.
>>3396556>Post waifu with a different hairstyle than usualHere you go.
Would you want to live together where you live or where she lives?