>>3441403She would take it indoors to get it out of the rain, and would probably end up keeping it.
>>3441438She looked up to her father as a child, and also looks up to Hannibal and Luke. She takes the self-defense knight ideology pretty seriously.
She is law-abiding and part of her job is to enforce the law in the city. But sometimes she causes public property to be damaged when fighting, which has sometimes gotten her into trouble.
>>3441738I don't think she makes time to read that much, but she would probably read manuals about martial arts or sword fighting.
>>3441932Cecily is very sympathetic towards the people around her, especially when she learns about their painful past experiences.
>>3441951She's probably seen worse things with her own eyes, so I don't think she would be bothered much, unless it reminded her of some traumatic experience.
>>3442059Maybe western comics, as a superheroine of some sort.
We would cuddle and keep warm in front of the fireplace.
>>3442078>If you could tell your young-self that you would fall in love with a fictional character , would he/she believe it?No, while I have had felt slight attraction towards fictional characters in the past, the feelings were never strong enough for me to consider them seriously.
>Do you still have hope for "snapping out of it" I hope not. I can't see that happening without major changes to my life.
>What is the ratio between good and bad feelings that she makes you feel?Mostly good, but sometimes I think too much about bad things people have said about her in the past. Sometimes I wish she were here with me but I've never felt despair over her not being real.
>>3442228I don't know much about mecha stuff, but probably a walking robot that wields a sword.
>>3442400She admires her father, Chester, above all else, to the point that she wanted to be a knight like him and uphold her family's tradition.