>>3544983I don't think this is possible. My Sheik wouldn't drink, I would never have alcohol in the house, and I really doubt someone would or could force her to have any. Alcohol is one of the most life destroying drinks out there. Why would she or I ever drink that garbage? As I've said before, I know that I am probably the only person in these threads that hates alcohol to this extent and has never drank it so I know I'm in the minority. Just know that I am not judging anyone for drinking it here, I just worry about ones that do.
>>3544986>PokemonDo I even have to say it? Greninja. There are so many images of them together, not romantically luckily.
>>3545040I see. Thanks for letting me know. I hope your threads go back to normal soon.
>>3545072>>3545074>>3545279>>3545401>>3545671I appreciate the well wishes. Things are going to be crazy busy for me for many months, but will hopefully calm down eventually. I hate it when I can't post my Sheik, but as you may have noticed even before this, I have been not as active. I would take posting my Sheik here over the stuff I am doing. That is why I am never going to skip questions.
>>3545102>Does your waifu like artI bet my Sheik would be able to appreciate that we have been able to be in peace enough to be able to make creations like this. So even if she doesn't understand or even like it, I'm sure she would appreciate it.
>Does she give everything a chanceIf we are not talking about modern "art", then certainly. I bet she would be able to appreciate many different pieces.
>bollocksThese types of words feel like nails on a chalkboard to me. Words like "innit", "loo", "peckish" sound so silly. They sound like a kids coloring book author came up with them or something. I know some people think some British accents sound cool or high class, but to me they really sound quite silly. But I guess I shouldn't be talking. I might have a weird accent to some.