>>4384353I did not wish to see that horrible image again, let alone on a holiday I cannot celebrate. But: the bombs are incredibly strong, yet so are the Eva units and the AT-Fields, and we know that Rei's AT-Field is the strongest of all.
>>4384337Yes, I think you have confused two events. Rei, or rather the host body of Rei's soul, died during the battle with Armisael. Given the destruction of Unit 00, this allowed the soul-fragment (whatever it is) of Rei I and of Rei II to reunite into Rei III. I still am not entirely clear in my understanding of those events.
>>4384345>died with that ReiI am not so sure. She certainly seems colder in the third incarnation than the second, but did Rei really lose memories or the like? It depends I suppose on what is transferred by the soul: only the spirit, or its experiences too? Ah, man's language is insufficient for these matters.