>>3436884I would rather hers since I like the Inaba setting.
>>3437404>What are some things this year that you're looking forward to doing with your wife?Mostly just all the main and speical holidays and events you would spend with your loved one. Other than those nothing yet.
>What is something your wife would do if she wanted to throw a surprise birthday party for you? Maybe make up a mock party scene and find a way to lure me there and suprise me.
>Do you think she could surprise you?Probably. She has suprised me before so I have no dobut she could again.
>On the flip side you're throwing her a surprise birthday party, how do you go about it?Get the party are set up and maybe invite her siblings too. Then find her and ask if she could fufill a request for me for a change and wear a blindfold and hold my hand under the guise of a trust exercise then bring her to the area and suprsie her.
>>3438014The closest person to a friend she has is her sister. She is fine so I approve of her. She is neither a good or bad influence they are just sisters who dont interact much but she will compare herself to her sisters foolishness sometimes.
I would rather drive since I know how and she probably has next to know experience in driving and the laws and probably has better means of transpertation. But if we drive together she might comment and ask questions if something will interest her.