>>4267742>Better yet having both of them freak the fuck out & Misato almost have an aneurysm from dealing with the mental breakdown coming from Asuka, Rei's apathy and willingness to die instead of hurt Shinji, and not knowing what's going on the Shinji inside the plug. All the while I'm assuming the bridge staff are probably shitting their collective pants.Misato trying to beg Asuka or Rei to do something would be pretty intense, especially while the other two pilots have their own breakdown. It'd almost be a complete reversal of both bardiel fights. Asuka would hesitate for too long to kill/hurt Shinji only to wait too long and get bodied by Unit-01, then Rei curls up in a ball in her own breakdown when Unit-01 comes for her.
>yeah I can imagine a reverse of Shinji's panic when he was being eaten by Leilel on Misato's end. Perhaps she draws her USP on one of the NERV staff trying to authorize a kill order on unit 01 out of sheer mania.Id imagine she'd draw it on Ritsuko after trying to activate Unit-01's self destruct, then waive it around at the other crew and threated to kill them if they follow through. All the while Gendo would be no help at all, just freezing up and muttering about Yui. Overall, utter chaos. sounds fun.
>If it's any consolation aside from the FoI virus I think in interviews Anno has said most things in that preview are canon and did happen in between 2.0 & 3.0. That visual of unit 06 or 09 floating down to TD with a halo is probably my favourite shot from that preview along with the Kaji gun frame.Ugh. Greatest sin a story can commit is not telling the most interesting in the story itself.
>If you have socials somewhere like discord or messenger or whatever I'd be happy to add you. Spit balling Eva stuff in this thread every evening has been nice[spoiler:lit]ill drop it after your next post. [/spoiler:lit]