I'm working a lot btw. It's why I haven't posted in a little bit. I'm at like 55 hours this week. It's just a lot of overtime to make up time off for the holidays.
>>3573147If I can find the source easily by searching through some booru tags I will go hunt down the source. But usually anons here have actual fucking standards and upload larger resolution pictures or their versions. I also download samples and original largeres copies for posting to anons here because it's just easier than dealing with 4chan's stupid image size limits.
>>3573144I wouldn't let her wear anything to demeaning but if she finds an ugly sweater I'd let her wear it. Some of those sweaters are ugly on purpose now and it ruins the fun.
>>3573253I don't think she would react to it in anyway that you'd expect. I think she'd be more confused or maybe irritated that people are laughing at her.
>>3573354Watashi. Very gender neutral.
>>3573464A 4chan pass helped me with that. It makes waifu posting a lot easier. I also like 4chan and think it's a good place to chat with folks. Especially these threads. I've had some good connections with anons here honestly. The price of the pass was super worth it honestly.
>>3573786Man I would love her being in Smash and I would start playing it a lot more. I have Ultimate but never play it. Her Ultimate Smash would obviously be her Excalibur Noble Phantasm blast. It would take up half the god damn stage and be a bitch to avoid. I seriously doubt this one ever happen though. A man can dream...
I think her B-attacks would be variations of her Projectile Wind ability.
I think her A-attacks would be just some regular sword swings.
>https://smashboards.com/threads/the-king-of-knights-saber-artoria-for-smash-support-thread.453567/A cool hypothetical list of ideas.