I still don't understand why people love CHANxCO so much. He's had figures done in his style, and he has his pictures on NicoNico for some reason.
I'm pretty sure he has something big going on.
His art is... very average. It's neither bad nor good. It's distinct, but not for a good reason. I can look at a CHANxCO picture and think "oh, CHANxCO again? Meh" and be done with it.
If you ask me, THIS is CHANxCO style done properly. This artist is significantly less popular on pixiv. I think he's a hidden gem that only me and a few other people who bookmark him know about.
His art isn't "great" either, but I like it a lot more than CHANxCO's style.
Anyway, where were you hoping to go with this thread, OP? You didn't really specify a subject.