>>1875191>>1875191Has it EVER ocurred to these guys that maybe, just maybe, the reason why japanese kids shows back in the day and even some shows from the 90s, few in between here and there, had things like nudity or swimsuits or the like, maybe the japanese dont see it as perverted or malicious, because, IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE, and i am not talking about really pedo bait shit like KodomoNoJikan and Mitsumodoe, but i mean, showing things like female characters in swimsuits, artistic nudity, or heck, even pantyshots ARE NOT supposed to be seen as something perverted, even less pornographic, the japanese dont have the same prudish and fear feling "protect the children" and "(Female) Nudity equals Porno or Sexist".
Yes, there always gonna be the wrong kind of people, and sadly on the internet, nothing can escape Rule34, but that should be separated to the point, and at the end of the day, is just fiction, heck, cartoons in the US used to have things like that.
And is obvious that is not what these shows are going for, well, most of them at least (tough the exceptions are very few, far and between)