>>2109725Had you asked me a few years ago, I'd definitely have said "Yes". However, having grown and matured, as well as other events (Including being happily engaged to a redhead, yeah yeah, I know, ironic. At least she likes to dye her hair different colors.) have led me to oppose such a measure myself.
As for such a "Matrix/Holodeck" setup, having put thought into it, one has to consider, that type of technology would probably be one of the last things Humanity would invent. Consider, you could upload yourself, and for the intellectual types, you could have conversations with Confucius, Epicurus, Plato, Hippocrates, Einstein, and all the other great thinkers of history. For "Forever Alone" types, it'd be a world they could totally immerse themselves in, and never have to worry about the pains of human interaction, being 'together' with a computer simulation of their 'Ideal Woman'. For religious sorts, it would easily be a programmed Heaven/Paradise. It would become Mankind's obsession, like a drug, since anything imaginable would be fabricated as easily as saying "I know Kung Fu..." and uploading a program, if even that much effort.
Society has come as far as it has through invention by necessity. We invented the internal combustion engine because we had an iron industry, and because horse-drawn carriages had an 'engine' that was tedious and costly to maintain. We invented Refrigeration Units because we needed a way to preserve food. Once we create a Holodeck/Matrix-style system, we won't need to invent anything else, because anything we can imagine will simply be a thought or computer code snippet away. Thus humanity will stagnate, progress will cease, and, in the words of Kiel Lorenz, "The Fate of Destruction is also the Joy of Rebirth" as the Luddites that rejected such Tech will inherit what is left of the Earth and Society.
Just my $0.02