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Mugi Thread XLVI - Moog Lang Syne

!!ogHwB92GknK No.2148402 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How exciting /c/omrades! It's almost 2014!!

I had hoped to get to our 50th thread by this time, but no matter! We're still going and that's what's important!

Hope everyone's still enjoying their holidays with friends and family, and has a warm and safe New Year!

To think, these threads will be entering their fourth year in a row; and it's all thanks to the awesome people who contribute each day for the enjoyment of others.

Really, I just make 'em, but it's you guys and gals who keep the Mugi goodness coming, and for that, I want to thank you, and I'm sure most of /c/ does as well!

So let's keep it going into 2014 /c/omrades! And best wishes from me to you!

Spread the love!!

Continued from >>2143528
