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Japanese believes you westerners are UGLY so no way our Anime based on you UGLY

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Source [ if you see a blank page then just refresh the page to fix it ] :

This is how Japanese believes an Asian character looks like :

This is how a western character looks like :

The picture you see I posted in here is from Japanese ads. Not just western males but also western females and that is also not the only one, you can see many other things like that just by using the keyword 'westerners in Japanese ads' on internet search engine. About the ads itself, I don't see any racism about it because that is just the features the majority of westerners are born with [ big long nose, square face, square jaw, etc ] so if there is a westerner who don't have those features then that is not Japanese fault because the majority become as the representation of something. Japanese also not stereotyping because stereotyping mean using minority as a representation.

This fact also what become as the reason why all the Anime live action made by Japanese are always using Asian cast, including with the latest Anime live action from Shingeki No Kyojin which westerners claim to be based on them. Just like what the source explained about Anime characters eye size, why some Anime characters have yellow hair, blue eyes, etc that all have nothing to do with westerners, it is also the same with Shingeki No Kyojin. So no matter what hair colors, eye colors, story setting, etc of the Anime characters their facial & body form still based on Asians facial & body form.