>>2224773ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 1200K -vf scale=640:-1 -an -ss 0:09:45.460 -t 0:00:03.979 output.webm
Is the command I use.
After "-ss" is the starting time, and after "-t" is the duration.
Alternatively, you can substitute "-t" with "-frames" which accepts the number of frames to capture.
"-b:v" is the bitrate. Try making each video at varying bitrates to get the best video in the smallest amount of space (4chan's max filesize on most boards is 4 MB)
>It seems a lot easier and better than making gifs, though.Especially if you optimize the GIF. That takes a while since you need to do it by hand (frame by frame).
And there's little opportunities to optimize if there's too much going on. The webm will usually (not always) be smaller too.
Only problem is that GIFs are easier to edit.