>>2233300As much as I'd like to see more Mizzy around here (/c/ in general, not this thread), I question how, precisely, you define Mizore as "Used Goods". Manga makes it pretty canon that what went on at her old school to prompt her transfer was only an attempt. Hell, in Capu2, Kurumu even went full on Yuri moment, to demonstrated that a kiss without consent means nothing, after she started flipping her shit, because she thought she was "tainted" after having her first kiss stolen. Your logic seems faulty, at best.
To the rest of the Anon's, please keep Mizzy in her threads, I know we get them often on /c/ and I have yet to see a Miz thread reach the image limit, when they show up. If ya'll have Miz pics to post, you have pics to help bump those threads to the image limit.