I hear Udon will publish the Kill La Kill manga in America soon. It's been completely released here in huehuehueland, and knowing how people only ever scanned a couple raws of this, I'll write a quick review to you:
>The artwork looks fine. Cuter than the usual style, I guess.
>Episodes 4 and 6 are cut. The last volume then rushes towards Episode 12. Sadly, it feels like the production of this manga was quite troubled.
>No expanded content at all. Just cuts. Well, they do give a funny excuse for writting out Episode 4: Ryuko rests at school with Mako after her duel against Satsuki and winds up avoiding Gamagoori's obstacle course.
>The Nui bares her fangs more often in this version. [spoiler:lit]I like it because I can imagine her speaking in her rougher voice more often.[/spoiler:lit] Her dress looks shiny.
>No Nui sketches at the end of volume 3. No sketches at all in there, actually...
>Adaptation of the second half of the story never!