>>2614591She's probably got the *hardest* to use shot type, but it's not all that bad. I almost exclusively use Casper.
She simultaneously has the fastest and slowest movement speed in the game. See, there are two different shot behaviors depending on if you're rapidly tapping the shot button (shot) or holding it down (laser). When moving without shooting or tapping the button, she has the fastest movement speed in the game, but holding the shot button down slows her immensely to the slowest movement speed in the game.
On top of that, her laser is actually very weak at long range, though powerful at close range. So she seems to encourage being up-close and personal with enemies but that's often dangerous. I mean she still works alright from a distance, I usually use her at about mid-range myself.
Really it's not as bad as it sounds, but she's certainly not as easy to get used to as Windia or Rosa. I started off playing Casper right away and it worked out for me. All in all she's fine once you get used to her.
And if it's any consolation, playing for score as Casper is easier than with Rosa.