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Trying to find this certain anime

No.2974435 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /c/ usually hang out on /k/ but idt those retards can help me here. Idly but this anime I seen as a kid popped up in my head and I can't for the life of me remember what it was calle or about.. It's probably been like 15ish years since I've seen it. The only scene I can remember is a human male shoots down or destroys some mecha controlled by a sea woman. (I guess mermaid) she escapes out of the vehicle and is in some pond thing and injured. Dude was going to kill her but ends up trying to help her out or talk to her, but idt they speak any human language and just hisses from what I think I remember. I think there is a war going on between humans and sea folk. The woman from what I remember isn't exactly cute, she's pretty but in a slightly monterous way. I think it was a movie. Idky this had been bugging me, tried google and kept getting squid girl, and my wife is a mermaid. Pic not related, help me out trying to watch some anime I haven't seen in forever and isn't shit lol