Pretty interesting discussion about what Lain means to us all. For me, I don't really know what she means to me. All I know is that without seeing her show I probably would not have got involved with my computer a lot more and delved into programming a little. I also feel a connection with her from the hints of mental health in the anime and how it's dealt with more in the game. I've dealt with and still deal with feelings of not being real and wanting to be "connected" so I guess that's why I like her so much and why she has been ingrained on my mind.
(Sorry this has become a bit long and seem like I'm rambling) I also cannot help but think of Lain when I see telephone or electrical wires as well as hearing them hum. And the last part in the anime where she is speaking to the viewer really sticks with me
>>3078355I love this piece of artwork, Is it official? If not it's damn impressive, although quite sinister considering the location she is in.
>>3081289Bit of a depressing dream that. I've had the thought for a number of years that maybe dreams are windows to other worlds or something but I don't know. I think the reality of dreams is they show our deepest fears sometimes and maybe that was your subconscious coming through with the fear that Lain may not like you?