OP here.
I am surprised to learn of such drama happening with Ichigo, and it saddens me to hear that people like her ironically.
I genuinely feel like she is a great character, but is overshadowed due to the hype of Zero Two.
I personally feel that she needs to be appreciated more, because FranXX wouldn't be the anime it is without Ichigo, she's strong, and cute, and she brings the team together.
I think it's childish to hate a character for no clear reason, and bully people for liking said character. Ichigo has a story in her own, being the drama surrounding her, Goro, and Hiro. She deserves to be loved, and Goro does, but the feeling may not be mutual, she likes Hiro, but he's all about Zero Two, and like the fans, Hiro leaves her behind. I imagine she's heartbroken, and sad because of this, but puts on a brave face for Hiro, and supports him. This is great person I feel she is.
I don't like Ichigo ironically, or to say "Oh, she's SO underrated." All the hate is unfounded to be honest. In fact, all of the characters in FranXX are good, but everyone obsesses over Zero Two, fixated on who she is rather than the stories going on a side from that.
Sorry for that. I just wanted to say something about it to voice my opinion.