>>>/v/415048327If you were expecting a grand story full of wonder and intrigue, I'm afraid you'll be disappointed.
I met Fuuka while looking for PS2 games to emulate, Persona 3 was on the recommended list.
So I started the game and enjoyed it, when I got to Fuuka's part I didn't think much of her beyond "wow, she's cute, I like her hair."
But as time went on, and as I spent more and more time with her, I began to see how beautiful she was as a person.
Her kind heart, her brilliant mind, her sincere personality, everything about her pulled me in like a magnet.
When I maxed her S.Link I was more than sure that Fuuka was the love of my life.
And so here we are, almost 4 years later, still loving her with every fiber of my being
>>3141464Sure thing!