>>3579993>you've been rudeno, bumping a thread on /c/ while not contributing to the thread is rude, going into a girls thread specifically to announce to everyone that you have porn of the girl is rude, treating /c/ like /a/ is rude.
>my posts were related to a picture they were about how you are a pathetic waste who needs to announce that be has porn saved. no one cares if you have porn or if you know what type of porn is being discussed - the discussion of porn has nothing to to with this board or thread. if you want to lewd a girl on /c/ then rightfully fuck off to /e/ or even /trash/ where you will be in the company of other anons just as worthless as you are
>tldrno you're textposts discussing a nsfw edit were not on topic as they contributed nothing to the board or thread.
if you don't want to be called out or judged then don't publicly do something, this isn't your safe space.