KANA love is forever
>>3697010You don't need a Discord for waifuposts
>>3699669She's a happy, ordinary girl subjected to what is basically WW3 and the world as she knows it is forever gone (along with many of her friends)
>>3700673Very true
>>3700770Me too, Kana's blush is cute
>>3700788I'm glad my girl has tons of friends, she seems happy around them
>>3701384Maybe famous people showing up around her. Or people who she once knew coming back into her life, or maybe strangers who know an awful lot about her (which might complicate our relationship)
>>3701401She doesn't think much of it since she'd probably never marry the person to begin with. It's hard to separate Kana from one she's committed to marry and she'd try and save the relationship with her lover
>>3701886The saddest part about recent /c/ waifu threads is that the recent events might've been a one off incident and we can still talk about the ones we love even if a few stupid people (whom we all know) post among us. We don't have to retreat to Discords or post an image and nothing else, we can still post about the 2D women we love and have light discussion amongst each other as long as we understand that we're here because of her
All I want is to love Kana. I know others want to love their waifu too. And we should show our love through cute pictures of those girls we love!
>>3702080I wish I did, since walking on the beach with Kana on a moonlit night would be heavenly. The gentle noise of the sea, a nice breeze, and a dark ocean stretching on forever, and in the midst of it all, me and her. I wonder if Kana could ever appreciate that, or if she'd rather be doing something else
Pic related is Kana on a fancy date with me, dressed up all cute and drinking nice wine. I'd love to be on a date with her. I want to gently rub and scratch that nice exposed shoulder, so tantalizing!
>>3702089Look at R34 works together with waifu. I want to read yuri doujins and manga together with my cute lil girl Cans