It's time to say goodbye, /c/ Saber thread.
I have been posting My King here consistently for years now. Nearly every other thread (including this one) was started by me. I was also the saberfriend in the /c/-waifu thread. I'm also the anon who created pic related, and have been contributing to her /a/ V-Day image collabs for some time (which I may return for). I considered myself to be the resident saberfag for all of 4chan, but I know there have been several of us across the decades.
My fellow saberfriends are to me: faceless brothers in arms of which I have shared many experiences with. Dare I say we bonded over her majesty. My time with you all here on 4chan has been fantastic and seeing you all post her across the boards has filled me with joy each and every time. I'll always remember the countless Fate threads talking about her story and posting her pictures with all of you.
But I am embarking on a journey. Tragedy has struck my personal life, and I must reevaluate myself as a person. This requires me, full-stop, to leave 4chan for good. This site is toxic, but there have been many good experiences and lessons I have learned here. Alas, the harm here will always outweigh the good. I'm not sorrowful to leave any part of this site but one: these threads.
No, I'm not abandoning my love for My King. If that day ever comes it will be too soon, and when I'm much older. I need her. I love her. But I must leave this place. I don't see myself leaving her for a long time yet. Perhaps never, preferably. I'm only saying goodbye to my fellow saberfriends.
Thank you all for posting her with me. I hope you can continue to wave her banner as strongly and as proudly as I did. With honor and dignity please carry her banner with pride.
"A man without fear cannot be wise."
- My King, Saber Arturia Pendragon, the Once and Future King of Britain.