>>3980551>footfetish art isn't shitposting>being annoyed by extremely low quality art and /v/ tier 0 effort replies is now shitposting>telling shitposters to fuck off is now shitpostingYou know, I'm glad /c/'s daily activity fucking halved this year, if this place is just going to turn into a shit tier copy of /a/ then it doesn't deserve to be active.
Also fun fact, attacking me isn't an argument or a defense. Showing concern for a board you use isn't shitposting, even if you want it to be.
>You didn't post an imageCongrats, you don't know what sage is nor do you know what it does! It's almost like there has been an appropriate way to textpost on /c/ for ages.
>>3980614He didn't defend anything, he just encouraged shitposting. You're just as bad and arguably don't give a shit about the board.
>inb4 more /v/ tier insults and passive aggressiveness with no argument>inb4 shit tier thread with tumblr /co/ images