Honestly, its like going to /sp/, complaining that you can't discuss wrestling, ignoring everyone who tells you to go to /pw/, getting angry that people on /sp/ don't want to see wrestling content, and then demanding that people need to accept that wrestling needs to be on /sp/ and anyone against you is wrong.
4chan has all of these boards for a reason. Yes there is overlap, but some boards were specifically created for certain things. If you want tasteful lewds, lewds, or themes covered by ecchi - then we have a board that you'll love. I don't see any reason to make /c/ a red board when you can just use the board that was created for this very purpose.
Like there is literally a thread for this here
>>>/e/2722857 and people still want to complain because they don't want to use /e/ because they can only enjoy ecchi on a blue board or some dumb shit like that.
Hell they've even had tasteful threads before so there's no excuse to bitch on /c/ (a board not for ecchi or tasteful porn) when people on /e/ are already enjoying themselves.