>>4338637Suiseiseki is more precious to me than my mother, more precious than anyone, more precious than anything, she is the most important person in my life, she always has been. So, yeah, it's actually worse than assaulting my mother.
>God forbid 2 or 3 out of 150 images are average at best.They are neither good nor bad, they are not new to /c/, they are from the same avatarfagging folder, and they are reposted to death everywhere else. What is the fucking point of posting this
>>4338503 incredibly stale official art from 2013 for the fourth time in 8 years
https://desuarchive.org/c/search/image/qnCKluFVmuSbOw2zYYUfVw/when you already reposted it in the previous thread 9 months ago
>>4255593 while shitting it up, just like I said? Look who's talking about being autistic.
Maybe I should start posting PEACH-PIT's promo stuff from events and collabs instead, it's not like Sui gets any art nowadays, especially after the doll announcement, right? Hell, you're just trolling at this point, get the fuck out of... I mean, kindly leave Suiseiseki's thread and go trace your "metadata" on /trash/. You have already shown everyone the depths of your retardation on /a/, to the point of spawning a short-lived meme on a certain board. I'm just posting Suiseiseki. Why can't I post Suiseiseki in peace? Please be quiet so I can enjoy posting Suiseiseki.