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Homura Akemi Thread 142

No.4350716 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Summer ticks onward, and the candle that is 2024 has burned more than half way through! What do you have to show for it so far, anon? Are you proud of your endeavors so far this year? Have you spent yourself fully on a truly worthy cause?

Remember, as you stride forward and stumble, and you fall short again and again and again, that your value comes not from the destination you reach, but in how valiantly you work to get there. Homura failed, repeatedly, while aiming for a simple happiness that could only be secured through great struggle. Honor her persistence by pushing back a little harder for Homura’s sake when the weight of the world threatens to crush you.

And above all else… Work. Work. Work. Work. And work some more, relentlessly, on building the life you crave.

May your work be rewarded, and may you always find a way to savor the work itself. Happy Thread 142, anon. Get going!!


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