First, login to the game to install all updates
Then, there is two folders with assets
>Mahjong-JP_Data/Streaming AssetsIt's for pre-downloaded content, the other one
>Mahjong-JP_Data/_Data/ZipsIs for downloaded in updates content, which can include hotfixes to assets
Collab IDs are 10037 Kurisu, 10038 Mayuri, 10039 Suzuha and 20007 Okarin
The files you are looking for are atlas_gif for emotes, audios for voicelines(includes not only yaku voicelines, but monologues), roleimg(0 - standard skin, 1 - bond skin, 2 - paid skin. static images), spine - animated sprites, spine_skill - mangan animated sprite
Then there are storyimg_cg for event CGs(80xxx ids i think for collab), storyrole_npc for statics, same as roleimg, startupbg - login screen, videos_sgpv - gacha video, audio_bgm_sg - collab audio, atlas_ whateversg - event related images like chibis, event page and the rest
Copy all these files you want to datamine, and put them whatever else, as you need to remove simple decryption(just the header, delete everything in notepad++ before UnityFS nulnulnul 5.x.x, you can even script it if you want, but i don't)
Then you can open and reed files through assetstudiogui, dump them through right mouse button->export assets)