>>4372728Unlike you. You probably show up uninvited, shit the place up, and then start shitting on people who tell you to stop.
Know what you want before making a thread. People aren't trying to play pretend mod, they just don't want people like you shitting up the board because you clearly don't give a shit about the thread you just made. If you want fat tits with nipples just about to tear out of the shirt then go to /e/ like everyone else as we're not bending the rules because you're too stupid to follow them.
>>4372721>>4372738You didn't have to make this thread, but you did anyway so either follow the board culture or fuck off. There is nothing wrong with being new, there is something very wrong with showing up to a board, making your first thread, and then shitting on the anons who actually use this board when they try to help guide you along.
Act like a useless cunt, get treated like a useless cunt.
>sampleImagine saving and reposting resized sample images.
>inb4 more shitposting>>4372732Now this is actually pretend moderation. You hold no power other than to shame and not contribute if you so choose.