>>714054>Robertwhenever it happens, its gonna take him a few minutes to figure out it's even happening
>Curtisprobably in his mid 20s, with a girl he tried setting up for Robert but he refused, so he took seconds
>Cringe Kidin his early 20s, in his nice studio apartment as a handsome successful game developer
>Agathawhenever she manages to get Bennett into cosplay
>Bennettwe know hes not a virgin
>Linustries staying a virgin till his wedding day because Mormon, ends up going too far with a goth girl in summer camp
>Nancyplays sexy noir detective and fucks a guy for info
>Pennywhen she starts dating Jerry
>Addisonprobably in like her 40s
>Charlesnot for a long, long time...but he and gothboy might have expirimented
>Savannahscores a random drunk guy in college
>Sabrinafucks a cute successful game developer in his studio apartment
>Devanthey fucked god and they have no regrets
>Rulfnot concerned with sex, even in college, will one day learn what it's like when Lydia finally gets to him
>Dizzyfucks a guy in highschool and says no homo, only to call him gay after because he didnt say it
>Dorothylife fucks her everyday
>Beansyfrankly her parents thought she would never lose her virginity, but she ended up doing it with a cute younger girl
now theyre just disappointed that shes a filthy clown
but at least they cant have horrible clown kids
>Rodney/Silviathey already had their first years ago
what, you thought they were kids?
>Gretelshe will never tell you
>Raynefucks a hobo out of frustration one day
>Atticusnever gets older, never fucks
>Squirrel Boymeet his squirrel wife
>Chelseylets an older kid smash in highschool for cigs
>Gothboydoesn't consider his first time with Charles to be sex, but it was totally sex
>Romohe's the kinda guy that tells you about it the day after in class, but you're not sure what he's trying to say
>Sydneywhat happens in Australia, stays in Australia