Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.

ID:/xM.fWl1 No.228 View ViewReplyReportDelete
where do I get the email to ask for a post to be deleted? I fucked up and now I need a post deleted from the archive.

ID:x61zVshG No.105 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Can you add a favicon? Thanks.

ID:/m4AdKeB No.74 View ViewReplyReportDelete
cob in the 'chive
3 posts and 1 image omitted

ID:/jzp2i7i No.125 View ViewReplyReportDelete
is there any chance you can add the top 200 image reposts stats?
nyafuu had them.

ID:90C4AcaN No.159 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Are some picture still not imported in main db?

ID:euKMCqMy ## Admin No.101 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Backups of the SQL and thumbnails are uploaded here.

Full Images are all uploaded.

ID:HA60pt.W No.158 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Has there been a change in image hash searches recently?

I tried a hash search for picrel image and it returned no results.
I even tried it with an image I created and posted today and did not get a result.
If I locate my post by other means and download the archived image here, then attempt the search using that image, the hash generated in the field differs from the image downloaded from 4chan.

Feature Idea

ID:LnY5lA2C No.20 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Make it so we can create copies of threads in which we can moderate/delete posts. The reason why I'm asking for this is because sometimes I would like to share archived threads, but remove shitposts and NSFW images.
4 posts omitted

ID:2TGYUucz No.166 View ViewReplyReportDelete
How can I only search for non empty ID?
Also, is it possible to match every filename that begins with a sequence? I only managed to search files by exact word match or separated by spaces

ID:8sYZetbb No.162 View ViewReplyReportDelete
Threads that gave been deleted on /vt/ have the thumbnail broken, but if you click on it, the full image loads.

Fix it?
1 post omitted