Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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Use this board to discuss the archive. No off topic shit.
Are some picture still not imported in main db?
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>>159 i tihnk so but it looks like he forgot to pop his bonce ronce the cornew and des his gona sasd ewrg.
Are some picture still not imported in main db?
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>>160 I tihnk so but it looks like he forgot to pop his bonce ronce the cornew and des his gona sasd ewrg
Hi, are recent backups of the archives available? I would like to do some searching etc.
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>>180 yeah I think so. hope this helps!
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Yo fr tho why this place use the christmas theme when it ain't even christmas?
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poopoo pee pee
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Backups of the SQL and thumbnails are uploaded here. Full Images are all uploaded.
Has there been a change in image hash searches recently? I tried a hash search for picrel image and it returned no results. I even tried it with an image I created and posted today and did not get a result. If I locate my post by other means and download the archived image here, then attempt the search using that image, the hash generated in the field differs from the image downloaded from 4chan.
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For some reason 4ch modifies uploaded images which changes their hash, but hash that archive sites seems to correspond to that of the original upload I don't know why these archive sites do that
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>>158 Apparently it is some sort of Cloudflare compression. The user gets served the Cloudflare version. But the original exists on 4chan servers which is what the archives take.>>>/trash/62965488 Anonymous
With PNGs people need to start hashing the decompressed RGBA pixels, instead of the raw bitstream. For PNGs at least, that would solve this forever. Same pixels = same pixel hash - even if cloudflare compressing their PNGs better or file metadata or whatever fucks up the file hash. Should work with GIF and *maybe* jpeg too. Problem is, you'd need to build-up a database of file->pixel hashes (for an existing archive, that'll take awhile), and add a thing in the frontend UI to make searching them easier. Will anybody do this? Nope, because I don't have the skills, and nobody who does will read this. Also I'm not sure if this frontend/archiver software is even still in development.
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>>170 >Also I'm not sure if this frontend/archiver software is even still in development. Foolfuuka hasn't been in any meaningful development in many years, anything added or updated is up to the maintainers presumably to keep the thing running.
Make it so we can create copies of threads in which we can moderate/delete posts. The reason why I'm asking for this is because sometimes I would like to share archived threads, but remove shitposts and NSFW images.
>>20 >don't know about: uBlock Origin > Zapper Mode That's a (You) problem, not admin's. Anonymous
How can I only search for non empty ID? Also, is it possible to match every filename that begins with a sequence? I only managed to search files by exact word match or separated by spaces
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>>166 >Also, is it possible to match every filename that begins with a sequence Yeah, as far as I can tell, using the wildcard asterisk after a filename(IE:asd*) will do what you want. Unfortunately, you cannot use two wildcards(IE:*fuk*), nor will using an asterisk inbetween things(IE:mario*.jpg)
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Threads that gave been deleted on /vt/ have the thumbnail broken, but if you click on it, the full image loads. Fix it?
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>>163 Still happens T_T. Devchan...please...
Please post a link to the threads where this happens.
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>>169 I don't feel like it
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Can corroborate, albeit on /vp/. One of my most recent experiments restored an image across the board, however any opening posts with the image strangely didn't have the thumbnail restored.
>>>/vp/26487104 >>>/vp/38686313
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Thank you for the archive. can I ask when did you start archiving images for boards such as /w/ and /wg/?
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I think they not upload the image before 2019
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How do I search exactly "/general/" (with the slashes) and not have "general" appear in the result?
>>150 I mean, write general on the subject field
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>>150 >>151 I know of that feature but I want to search what people say about /general/ (I want to see replies, not subjects)
Someone please make SpookyX work with this archive.
When are nerds going archive /cm/? I'm asking this since Fireden went kaput since late spring and you guys have archived /c/
typo on the top question, time to correct When are you nerds going to archive /cm/?
Huh, I was about to make a similar thread. Fireden has been dead/frozen for months, and because of it /cm/, /y/, /ic/ and /sci/ (and /xs/, which was archived by the now defunct Wakarimasen) were left without an external archive that saves full images ( continues to save their threads, but it only saves thumbnails). This is specially a problem for the first 3 boards since images play a large part in them.
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>>41 >When are nerds going to archive all SFW boards that are searchable only on wakarimasen and/or fireden? ftfy
>>43 >wakarimasen >defunct Only update so far is a GIF of an anime girl crying.
Hiroyukiland is a shithole imageboard
>>118 kys let the nigga speak
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What are you waiting for? orb
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Will full_image redirection for 16-digit timestamps ever be implemented? It works if the timestamp is truncated to 13 digits, but that still prevents embedding images attached to deleted posts with 4chanX among other things.
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is there any chance you can add the top 200 image reposts stats? nyafuu had them.
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pretty sure it would only consist of cringe
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why do people care about this shit?
Will you add /wsg/ and /gif/?
I was trying to find posts quoting livetls, which often start with [en], but I can't just search that in the box, since the [] characters get ignored. I tried putting the line in quotes and that didn't work, as well as some of the common special characters with no luck there either. Am I missing a trick to make it work?