>>1462318>I might have benefitted personally from racism at some point in my lifeI've benefited infinitely more from my Tall Privilege and High IQ Privilege and Two Parent, Crack-Free Family Privilege than my white privilege. Why are all these privileges allowed to go un-checked while I must prostrate myself before the church of antiracism for my skin color?
>>implying rich freds don't lean moderate left>thinks rich people identifying as liberal is a sign of informed philosophical agreement and not just a fashion statement>>implying "meritocracy" isn't just code for "my crony pals bought their way into the regulatory apparatus to gut it so we could go 'see? gubmint doesn't work ha ha'">thinks the "regulatory apparatus" should run the world instead of democratically elected politicians who can be watched and held responsible by the voters>thinks the kind of people who have "cronies" make up more than 0.00001% of conservatives