>>2033485Lots of variation but not necessarily bad. Usually a 5 day reserve bucket, but if you can proffer it’s more predictable. Short call is the most common reserve type and some like it, most don’t, but that’s sorta life on the bottom of the stack. If your company does pre assigned ready reserve that kinda sucks. I’ve heard mixed reviews of long call reserve but I haven’t had any myself. A bit more senior and you could hold a partial line, which is better. A low seniority line holder will get kinda junk trips, but it gets better with time and how you bid. I usually get 4x 4-day trips, which is common. I’m more senior on the FO side but that’s pretty consistent since I’ve held a line. The biggest contributor to QOL is whether you live in base or commute. Talk to anyone commuting and they’ll tell you.