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International studies also find large differences in labor intensity of clean energy relative to fossil fuels. For example, a 2014 U.K. Energy Research Center report, "Low Carbon Jobs," found that the average employment creation for fossil fuels is 0.14 jobs per Gigawatthour (coal 0.15, gas 0.12), that the average across all renewable energy is 0.65 jobs/GWh, and that the average across both renewable energy and energy efficiency is 0.80 jobs/GWh.
This broad government study finds that renewable energy creates 4.3 times as many jobs as coal and 5.4 times as many as natural gas. It also finds that job creation from clean energy generally (renewables plus energy efficiency) is 5.3 times greater than from coal and 6.7 times greater than from natural gas.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency clearly are several times more labor-intensive than fossil fuels. Clean energy jobs also generally are more distributed and are largely higher quality jobs.