>>2007899you can leave it however for a cruiser but i dislike the single brake lever on top of pursuit bars. The main position of pursuit bars is on the sides, forward, that's where the brakes should be because there's much better control there.
So i'd work out if she actually wants that much reach and is comfortable riding on the main position of the bars, get brake levers there, if not, convert to flat, riser or swept bars, also with some better brake levers. The splash tape is cool and hopefully it doesn't badly tear and you can re-use it.
If you want to keep the bars, you can just run regular road brake levers like pic rel (and the hoods don't get used, so you can pickup some nice fucked ones for cheap/free), or get some time trial ones that fit in the ends of the bar.
If she's running freewheel not fixed, get a rear brake too.
I would buy nicer pedals, service the hubs & headset, and get a new chain. Also prob setup some kinda basket.
I wonder why the headset cups are painted? That's pretty unusual for a factory paint job. So i guess it's been repainted which is also kinda odd for a bike like that.