>>1231567If you don't know where to begin, use a height chart. It's really that simple unless you're a mutant. Don't bother trying to measure your inseam or sizing for reach. You will probably mess up measuring your inseam. Sizing for reach is done by people that don't want to buy a new stem or mutants. That was relevant in the 80s when they had quill stems that were hard to swap out and some models of stems only came in 20mm increments but stack was easily adjustable.
Height sizing is going to give you a compromise between stack and reach. If your legs are long, and torso short, you need more stack and less reach. Vice versa. The average between low/long, medium/medium, or high/short is always going to be medium/medium.
Experienced cyclists usually size by stack on modern bikes, not by reach because slam that stem. Either way you have no idea what stack/reach you want, so again, go with height sizing.
>>1231569DNP makes some, but they're not very good.
>>1231574T R I P L E
>>1231578What gearing should I use if my desired speed is 100mph?
>>1231581Standard is 53/39. I don't care that 52/39 and 52/38 exist. 53/39 is the current standard just like 52/42 is the old standard.
>>1231586That's not how shoe size works you low IQ high school dropout.
>>1231591Google, and Megarange is a bail out gear so you have a gear where you don't have to walk your bike. It's not meant to get you anywhere fast.
>>1231615Subcompacts are for posers. Get a triple. 50/39/30 x 11-28.
>>1231617Walmart bike with 42/32/22 x 11-34 Megarange.
>>1231675You don't even know how you're supposed to feel on a test ride, so a test ride is pointless.
>>1231682They do, it's the 14-28 one.
>>1231698Too dumb to even comment on.
>>1231707Race me.
>>1231724Or you could just be not retarded and put all 8 cogs on there.
>>1231725There's no reason to stick to freewheels if you insist on exotic freewheels.
>>1231730It's like those people that call wheels tyres.