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Upgrading this to an even more comfortable ebike?

No.1938123 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi anons, I know nothing about bike stuff so I figured I’d ask the experts. My first bike since childhood is this, and I absolutely love the internal 3 speed and upright position. Sadly it doesn’t really fit with how I ride, on the sidewalk (riding on the roads is suicide here). The road tires and lack of suspension is just too brutal. What do I need to know about upgrading? I plan to a Bafang 750W mid drive conversion because I will be using it for a 5 mile commute.
>suspension seat post?
>much fatter front tire seems like a no brainer but would I have to go smaller to still keep my fenders? It seems like 26” would be ideal
>also the front brake is ass and I really would like an upgrade but I believe that would require a new front fork for mounting disk brakes
I am comfortable with a wrench but have no idea where to start or which parts to order.