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Total Pacer Death.

No.1950901 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Kill Pacers. De-cab Pacers. Drop a Pacer into the concrete from height. Slam a Pacer into a ravine. Dismantle filthy Pacers. Pour sewage water into a Pacer's fuel tank. Launch Pacers into the sun. Use Pacers for crash tests. Run Pacers into an active volcano. Crush Pacers with diggers. Shoot Pacers with lasers. Twist Pacer cabs off. Report Pacers to the regulator as unfit for service. Shoot at Pacers. Vandalise Pacers. Crush Pacers into scrap cubes. Use Pacers for nuclear flask crash tests. Crush Pacers under more scrapped Pacers. Liquefy Pacers in acid. Freeze Pacers with liquid nitrogen then drop them from a crane. Shred Pacers up in a giant scrap shredder. Sandblast Pacer liveries off. Leave Pacers to go rusty near seawater. Melt pacers down in a blast furnace. Donate Pacers to third world countries with unsuitable infrastructure. Mandatory Pacer scrappage schemes. Grind down scrapped Pacer parts. Drop Pacers in the sea. Vaporize Pacers with nuclear weapons tests. Derail old Pacers. Sink Pacers into quicksand. Set Pacers on fire. Spray graffiti over Pacers. Dismantle Pacers and crush the scrapped parts. Total Pacer death.