>>2011400If you are still thinking about differential; check Samagaga differentials.
But I don't know if they are real diffs or just double one-way wheels, like some other companies have used in the past.
>structural reinforcementYou plan to do this out of plywood?
Will you do full CAD design and then send it to laser cutting or will you do it just by hand?
Look into making tarp kayak or skin-on-frame boat. Maybe you can get some ideas.
Or you could do something like a basket weaving, except more spaced apart, which would also let you use stiffer material.
First make one velo for yourself only after then go for peoples velo.
I also get side-tracked by wild ideas. My latest was about "high" velomobile. Similar to high recumbent (like
>>2012183 posted), but with 4 wheels and a body completely above the wheels. So the whole velo (including the wheels) would be very narrow like 60cm or less (good for aerodynamics). And there would be plenty of space to turn the front wheels, because the body would be above them and would be no interference. Another good thing would also be good visibility. for the other people on road and also for the rider it would be a better view. In standard velo you cant even see over the grass.
But this comes with the downside that it needs really good and precise tilting mechanism. Narrow, tall and top heavy, not much margin to play with.
>>2014661>Heat mirrorheat mirror lets the visible light through the glass, light hits the inside if the velo, gets converted to heat (infrared radiation), which then gets bounced back from the heat mirror back to to the rider/ inside of velo. It would need something like "one way" heat mirror. Stops it going in, lets it go out.
>shade cloth
Not sure what you mean by that. Put a gazebo over the velo?
>gapped second skinIf you mean like open double wall (like roofs/walls have ventilated air gap) that is good idea, but double wall -> double weight.