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Woman, 29, Enrolled in High School and Pretended to Be a Teenager

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First, some Scottish guy. Now this lady.
>The woman attended classes in New Brunswick for four days before her ruse was discovered, officials said.

>For four days, a 29-year-old woman pretended to be a student at a New Jersey public high school. She attended classes, spent time in the guidance office and collected phone numbers from teenagers who helped her find her way through the maze of hallways, according to students and a school official.

>She continued to text former classmates days after the ruse was discovered last week, students said.

>The woman, identified by the police as Hyejeong Shin, was arrested on Tuesday and charged with providing documents that falsified her age to officials at New Brunswick Public Schools, a district with nearly 10,000 students in central New Jersey.

>The incident, first reported by New Brunswick Today, has raised concerns about the safety protocols in place to verify student identities - and the woman's reason for sneaking into a school that enrolls children as young as 15 in the first place.

>Aubrey A. Johnson, the school superintendent, told board members Tuesday night that the district would be evaluating "how to better look for fake documentation and other things," according to a video of the meeting shared on Twitter. Neither school nor police officials offered any information about a possible motive for her behavior.