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THEY'RE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN: California may deny custody to parents who recognize biology

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California Threatens Custody Rights Of Parents Who Don’t ‘Affirm’ Their Kids’ ‘Gender Identity’

California may soon require judges to consider if a parent “affirms” their child’s “gender identity” when making custody decisions under a bill that the California Senate passed Wednesday.

Assembly Bill 957 considers parental affirmation of a child’s “gender identity or gender expression” to be a part of the health and well-being of a child, which is considered during custody or visitation proceedings in family court. Democratic California Sen. Scott Wiener and Democratic California Assembly Member Lori Wilson introduced the legislation in February and it passed the California Senate 30-9 Wednesday, according to The Associated Press. (RELATED: ‘Perfect Storm’: Studies On Transgender Medical Procedures For Kids Compromised By ‘Placebo Effect,’ Researcher Argues)

“This is about not having to get involved after a child has been beaten and had their arm broken, or after they’ve been kicked out,” Wiener said, according to the AP.

"This bill, for purposes of this provision, would include a parent’s affirmation of the child’s gender identity or gender expression as part of the health, safety, and welfare of the child,” the bill reads.

States around the U.S. have been split on the issue of “gender affirmation” and child sex change surgeries. Texas allowed a law to take effect Sept 1. prohibiting minors from accessing sex-change procedures while a lawsuit from the American Civil Liberties Union against the law makes its way through the court system. Washington passed a law in May allowing the state to not inform parents if their child runs away from home to access sex change procedures in Washington.

“Inserting this into the mix is going to pit one parent against the other and make things worse,” Republican California Sen. Kelly Seyarto said, according to the AP.