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Americans turn out for Bodily Autonomy, not Republican Nanny State bullshit

No.1224878 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why doesn't anyone like the Republicunt plan to let big government dictate whats good for you?

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Heavier-than-normal turnout is expected Wednesday as early voting begins in Ohio’s closely watched off-year election to decide the future of abortion access and marijuana legalization in the state.

Of greatest interest nationally is Issue 1, a proposed constitutional amendment giving every person “the right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions.” The effort comes on the heels of a string of victories for abortion rights proponents around the country who have been winning in both Democratic and deeply Republican states since the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion was overturned.

Both sides tried to ramp up enthusiasm over the past week as they hosted rallies and canvassing events across the state.

Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, the yes campaign, emphasizes the measure’s ability to keep Ohio’s ban on most abortions after fetal cardiac activity is detected from taking effect. A judge’s order has placed the 2019 law on hold, but the Ohio Supreme Court is considering whether to lift that stay.

Proponents’ ads argue that abortion-related decisions should be kept between a woman and her family, doctor and faith leaders, not regulated by government.

The opposition campaign, Protect Women Ohio, has zeroed in on questions raised by Issue 1’s broad wording, citing legal theories — as yet, untested — that passing the amendment would jeopardize Ohio’s parental consent requirements for minors receiving abortions and other types of medical care.