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Trump: We're coming for your children

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Every accusation is a confession. Trump as his cronies vow to "come after your children" and turn them into neo Nazi fascists
Trump turning children into his child armies. Promises to "grab em by the pussy"
'Children are absorbing terrifying lessons' from Trump rallies: veteran reporter
Jill Lawrence, a veteran political journalist at publications including USA Today, National Journal and the Associated Press, has written an essay for The Bulwark in which she makes the case that "children are absorbing terrifying lessons" from watching former President Donald Trump.
Lawrence's comments came after absorbing coverage of a recent Trump rally held at a high school gym in Iowa where children wore "FJB" — or "F--k Joe Biden" — merchandise and attendees repeatedly referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as a "ho."

"This was all happening in a high school gym," said Lawrence. "I repeat, a high school gym. Where teenagers hang out."

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She then walked through all the ways she said Trump has encouraged his followers to embrace their darkest impulses, which has manifested itself in a range of violent behavior ranging from suicide attacks on FBI field offices to massive bomb threat campaigns against Trump's political foes to the Jan 6 coup.

"Trump presents a massive challenge today to parents across the ideological spectrum who believe in old-fashioned virtues like respect and civility," Lawrence wrote in conclusion.

"Other parents, those who admire Trump, are enthusiastically introducing their kids to the cruel and dangerous MAGA culture, and they appear blind to the harm Trump is doing — both to their families and to the nation."

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