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Biden shits himself on the reg. Smells terrible.

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The hashtag #TrumpSmells quickly skyrocketed to the top trending topic in the United States on X after Donald Trump's team threw a stink over claims that the ex-president and criminal defendant has an "odor" that is "truly something to behold."

The statement that initiated the recent chain of events came from former Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who wrote, “I’m genuinely surprised how people close to Trump haven’t talked about the odor. It’s truly something to behold. Wear a mask if you can."

As the claims of Trump's putrid odor went viral, others chimed in to confirm Kinzinger's claims.

Comedian Kathy Griffin told Donald Trump's niece, Mary Trump, that her Uncle Donald smelled “like body odor with kind of like scented makeup products.”

Griffin added, "Donald has a distinct smell that doesn’t get enough press."

The claims soon sparked outrage from Trump world.

In an "I know you are but what am I" defense, Donald Trump's spokesperson told The Independent, "Adam Kinzinger farted on live TV and is an unemployed fraud. He has disgraced his country and disrespects everyone around him because he is a sad individual who is mad about how his miserable life has turned out."