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It is currently impossible to buy a gun in Honolulu

No.1251403 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>“It has been brought to our attention from multiple sources that the Honolulu Police Department, under the guidance of Police Chief Logan, is no longer processing ANY firearms permit applications or concealed carry applications until after the new year, and he has the ability to verify or certify instructors,” the group posted on social media. “The department requires all applications submitted after December 18th to provide proof of instruction by a certified/verified instructor before processing their application.

>“The problem?????? He hasn’t certified or verified any instructors.”
>Logan said HPD approved 1,186 licenses-to-carry for 1,600 firearms. It has another 1,600 applications not yet approved. That's about 1% of Honolulu's population.

>"I think that would help the other 99% of residents who don't have a gun to feel safer. It's really a small number of people," reflected Logan.
>Critics complain HPD didn't make permit applications available sooner, even though Green signed this into law in early June.

>Andrew Namiki Roberts of Hawaii Firearms Coalition is one such vocal citizen.

>"They've had five months to do this but they've left it until the last minute. We see this time and time again with law changes. They just don't do it till they're forced to," he accused.