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The data shows people don't like living in Cali

No.1251603 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
California saw a massive exodus in 2023. People can't stand living there. So many people were trying to leave Cali in 2023 that the entire state ran out of uhauls at one point.
PODS reported that it wasn't just Cali. People living in the democrat cities with high crime rates were leaving in droves for comfy southern states such as Florida and Texas.
Los Angeles, the Democratic hobo capital of the United States topped the list of places nobody wanted to live at anymore.
An independent survey shows that 29%
States with Democratic governors topped the outbound list: Illinois, California, New Jersey, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
States with Republican governors were the most popular inbound states: Florida, Arizona, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
California takes the gold medal for state more people left than anywhere else in 2023
More people fled California than any other state in 2023 as the great exodus from northern cities to southern states continue.

for a lower cost of living and safer streets, Golden State residents decided to try to strike for gold elsewhere, including Florida, the Republican-governed rival state of Democratic California, according to data gathered by storage and moving company PODS.
The California-Florida rivalry dates back to 2020, when Gov. Ron DeSantis blasted Gov. Gavin Newsom and northern cities for imposing COVID restrictions that prompted people to move to other states.

In a televised debate between the two governors on Nov. 30, DeSantis criticized Newsom for the movement of Californians out of state.

"You almost have to try to mess California up," DeSantis said. "They actually, at one point, ran out of U-Hauls in the state of California because so many people were leaving!"
In other parts of the country, residents relocated to Texas, Tennessee, and the Carolinas as they also abandoned homes in New York and New Jersey.