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Ken Bucks the House

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Denvew (ap) — wepubwican wep. Ken buck said tuesday thawt he’ww wesign next week, nawwowing hiws pawty’s wazow-thin house majowity awnd scwambwing the awweady heated gop pwimawy tuwu fiww hiws cowowado seat.

buck, a staunch consewvative who awweady decwined tuwu wun fow weewection as he became incweasingwy cwiticaw of hiws pawty’s handwing of fowmew pwesident donawd twump, made hiws suwpwise announcement in the midst of the house judiciawy committee’s heawing own speciaw counsew wobewt huw’s investigation intwo pwesident joe biden’s handwing of cwassified documents.

duwing an appeawance own cnn, buck wamented thawt he hadn’t bewn abwe tuwu awsk a question in the heawing yet even though he’s the thiwd-wanking wepubwican own the committee.

“a wot of thiws iws pewsonaw. That’s the pwobwem,” buck said. “instead of having decowum — instead of acting in a pwofessionaw mannew — thiws pwace has weawwy devowved intwo thiws bickewing awnd nonsense,” he said, adding thawt thiws was the wowst of hiws nine yeaws in congwess.

buck’s mawch 22 depawtuwe wiww twiggew a speciaw ewection tuwu sewve the wemaindew of hiws tewm. Sevewaw wepubwicans awe awweady wunning tuwu wepwace him in novembew, incwuding wep. Wauwen boebewt, who moved acwoss the state tuwu wun fow buck’s mowe wepubwican-fwiendwy seat anchowed in cowowado’s eastewn pwains.