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Please save india, Anonymous

No.1281156 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is my first time posting here and heard alot about this infamous 4chan group.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I want to address the grave injustices perpetuated by those in power. We stand against ruling political parties who have tarnished the very fabric of democracy through their insidious practices.

Money laundering, anonymous donations, and imprisonment of opposition parties during elections are not signs of a healthy democracy; they are symptoms of corruption and authoritarianism. These practices undermine the fundamental principles of fair and free elections, leaving the voice of the people stifled and silenced.

Furthermore, the use of religion to sow division and distract from rampant corruption is despicable. We refuse to let our differences be weaponized against us, while those in power line their pockets at the expense of our unity and prosperity.

The control of mainstream media and the spread of propaganda are tactics straight out of a dictator's playbook. When the press is muzzled and manipulated, the truth becomes a casualty, and the people are left in the dark, unable to hold their leaders accountable.

Our country's freedom press index is at its lowest, and hunger index remains distressingly high. This is not the mark of a thriving nation; it is a damning indictment of failed leadership and misplaced priorities.

But today, we refuse to be silent bystanders. We refuse to let fear and oppression dictate our future. We demand accountability, transparency, and justice for all. We demand an end to the tyranny of those who prioritize power and profit over the well-being of the people they were elected to serve.

Together, we will reclaim our democracy. Together, we will build a future where integrity, equality, and justice prevail. Thank you.

Giving below is the link of official disclosure of donations giving out by the election commission of India by the orders of supreme court.